Sunday, September 4, 2011

From Europe to Asia on a Train (Trans-Siberian Railway 2011)

When some months ago my fellow traveler Jimmy and me decided to go on the Trans-Siberian Railway adventure, we could not expect at all, what we have seen, learned and experienced. Although our first idea was to write down in a blog everything happening during the trip, it turned to be difficult to find some time to sit in front of the computer. Since we had many requests to write about our trip, we decided to do it afterwards and we will try our best to transmit in a proper way all our thoughts and experiences.

A great amount of blogs about this trip are surfing the net, and far away from the conceited idea of creating an innovative blog, we will try to add something different. Most of the related blogs give so much information about the journey or describe what might be visited. We think there is nothing to add in that sense, but what we will try is to express what we have felt and learned from the people and cultures we have met rather than describing every single day of our trip. Of course we are aware of the fact that many people are planning to go into this experience in the future, and their main interest might be the information of the places we have visited. Therefore, we will try to keep a proper balance between the itinerary information and thoughts.

Finally, we believe that a blog is nonsense without feedback from readers. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to express what your feelings are towards what we write, regardless of being positive or negative criticism.



  1. I'm looking forward to reading the blog;)

  2. Im thinking of doing the Transsiberian probably in a couple of years, im sure ur thoughts and adventures are gonna be useful, what countries have u visited? I heard they are different possibilities, like for example just through Russia, is China included? cheers

  3. I keep in mind your comment. I will write a post about it. Your interest will be somehow answered in the next post, that will talk about the itinerary we followed. I'll let you know JM!

  4. Iepe elemento!!! Kostata baino hartu det tartetxoa bloga irakurtzen hasteko. Espero det inbidiyak ez nauela jango...


  5. Iepa new reader!

    Eskerrik asko irakurtzeagatik. Zure atzera-elikaduren (feedback) zain nago... :-))))

